New Bloggie!

Dec 03

It’s finished! My blogger blog will no longer be updated and everything has been moved to

>> <<

See you all there!


December Blog Train

Dec 01

December is here! This year has gone by so fast I can’t believe it. I am currently moving my domain to a new host that’s why you are at this link. Hopefully it won’t take long until my new pretty blog is up!

Let’s get down to business…December Blog Train Holiday Sugar Cookie

Here’s my part:



If you download this blog train, please don't forget to leave some for all the participating designers!

Your next stop is Graphics By PokaDot:

And if you ever get lost go  to to get back to the blog train!

Important: Due to all designers being in different time zones from all around the world, please be patient ~ all blog posts and download links will be active soon!


Shabby Chill and Black Friday Sale!

Nov 27

I had a day off from work today so guess what I did?? I slept in. Then I went shopping with Ronny (he turned 31 today!) and we filled up our wardrobe a little…nice! Did I mention that Ronny hates shopping? He survived LOL.

I have my last class of business administration tomorrow and after that I will meet with my girls back from school. I have known them for more than 20 years now and I think it’s really cool that we still find the time to meet 2-3 times a year.

I hope you all had a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving and are now hopping the stores for some Black Friday Sales.

I have something new in store…Shabby Chill a kit to scrap all your winter photos.

Available at Digital Scrap Ink and Polka Dot Plum

Some layouts from my fabulous NEW CT!

And last but not least:

Again at Digital Scrap Ink and Polka Dot Plum.

At PDP the discount shows in your cart!

Have a great weekend!


Just so you know

Nov 19

My blog is moving to a new host and probably won’t be available for a few days. You might want to change yout bookmarks to for now!
